Tuesday 5 February 2013

The highest al fresco bar in the world

Nauddah and I were so busy catching up, one of the things we wanted to do was visit the Night Safari ( a must see attraction in Singapore), but we were so caught up in conversation after not seeing eachother in three years. One of the first things I noticed was how much higher prices were in Singapore in comparison to Hong Kong. The MTR or MRT as they call it in S'pore is very clean and chewing gum is banned in Singapore! Total opposite of good ol' London where the streets are paved in it! On Saturday we headed over to Raffles Place ( financial district) to go to the highest al fresco bar in the world; Altitude. We got there early , around 1pm and it wasn't yet open. Going up that elevator was nerve - wracking....it was more like a rocket. Despite being 282 metres from sea level and on the 62nd floor, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be. The view was spectacular....and free! Marina Bay Sands charge about $20 to check out the views from their rooftop bar, I believe. I tried to convince my friend to make the most of the view; but she was petrfied. I just about got her to take a pic of us there, as she was quite hapy to sit down the whole time. Acrophobia kicked in!